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Feature filtering based on class occupancy.


occupancyMaximum(d, cls = "class", occupancy = 2/3)

# S4 method for AnalysisData
occupancyMaximum(d, cls = "class", occupancy = 2/3)

occupancyMinimum(d, cls = "class", occupancy = 2/3)

# S4 method for AnalysisData
occupancyMinimum(d, cls = "class", occupancy = 2/3)



S4 object of class AnalysisData


sample information column name to use for class data


feature occupancy filtering threshold, below which features will be removed


An S4 object of class AnalysisData containing the class occupancy filtered data.


Occupancy provides a useful metric by which to filter poorly represented features (features containing a majority zero or missing values). An occupancy threshold provides a means of specifying this majority with variables below the threshold excluded from further analyses. However, this can be complicated by an underlying class structure present within the data where a variable may be well represented within one class but not in another.


  • occupancyMaximium: Maximum occupancy threshold feature filtering. Where the maximum occupancy across all classes is above the threshold. Therefore, for a feature to be retained, only a single class needs to have an occupancy above the threshold.

  • occupancyMinimum: Minimum occupancy threshold feature filtering. Where the minimum occupancy across all classes is required to be above the threshold. Therefore, for a feature to be retained, all classes would need to have an occupancy above the threshold.


## Each of the following examples shows the application 
## of the feature occupancy filtering method method and 
## then a Principle Component Analysis is plotted to show 
## its effect on the data structure.

## Initial example data preparation

d <- analysisData(abr1$neg[,200:300],abr1$fact)
## Maximum occupancy threshold feature filtering
d %>% 
 occupancyMaximum(cls = 'day') %>% 
 plotPCA(cls = 'day')

## Minimum occupancy threshold feature filtering
d %>% 
 occupancyMinimum(cls = 'day') %>% 
 plotPCA(cls = 'day')