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Load or build the organism specific KEGG datafor enrichment analysis. This provides a convenience wrapper around FELLA::loadKEGGdata, FELLA::buildGraphFromKEGGREST and FELLA::buildDataFromGraph. See the documentation of these functions for further information.


  methods = availableMethods(),
  filter_path = NULL,
  database_directory = organism,
  internal_directory = TRUE,
  damping_factor = 0.85,
  niter = 100



the KEGG code for the organism of interest


the enrichment techniques to build. Any returned by availableMethods.


argument to pass to argument filter.path of FELLA::buildGraphFromKEGGREST. A vector of regular expressions to match pathways to exclude.


argument to pass to argument databaseDir of FELLA::buildDataFromGraph and FELLA::loadKEGGdata. The directory name/path in which to save the KEGG data.


logical. Argument to pass to argument internalDir of FELLA::buildDataFromGraph and FELLA::loadKEGGdata. Should the save directory be internal to the FELLA package directory?


argument to pass to argument dampingFactor of FELLA::buildDataFromGraph. A value between 0 and 1 for the PageRank damping factor.


argument to pass to argument niter of FELLA::buildDataFromGraph. A value between 10 and 1000. The number of iterations to estimate the values for CC size.


An object of S4 class FELLA.DATA containing the KEGG data for the specified organism.


## Load the example organism data available from within the package
  database_directory = system.file(
    package = 'riches'),
  internal_directory = FALSE
#> Loading KEGG graph data...
#> Done.
#> Loading hypergeom data...
#> Loading matrix...
#> Done.
#> Loading diffusion data...
#> Loading matrix...
#> 'diffusion.matrix.RData' not present in:/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/riches/bdi/diffusion.matrix.RData. Simulated permutations may execute slower for diffusion.
#> Done.
#> Loading rowSums...
#> 'diffusion.rowSums.RData' not present in:/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/riches/bdi/diffusion.rowSums.RData. Z-scores won't be available for diffusion.
#> Done.
#> Loading pagerank data...
#> Loading matrix...
#> 'pagerank.matrix.RData' not present in:/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/riches/bdi/pagerank.matrix.RData. Simulated permutations may execute slower for pagerank.
#> Done.
#> Loading rowSums...
#> 'pagerank.rowSums.RData' not present in:/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/riches/bdi/pagerank.rowSums.RData. Z-scores won't be available for pagerank.
#> Done.
#> Data successfully loaded.
#> General data:
#> - KEGG graph:
#>   * Nodes:  13085 
#>   * Edges:  42910 
#>   * Density:  0.0002506364624 
#>   * Categories:
#>     + pathway [136]
#>     + module [218]
#>     + enzyme [993]
#>     + reaction [6703]
#>     + compound [5035]
#>   * Size:  7.1 Mb 
#> - KEGG names are ready.
#> -----------------------------
#> Hypergeometric test:
#> - Matrix is ready
#>   * Dim:  5035 x 136 
#>   * Size:  473.8 Kb
#> -----------------------------
#> Heat diffusion:
#> - Matrix not loaded.
#> - RowSums not loaded.
#> -----------------------------
#> PageRank:
#> - Matrix not loaded.
#> - RowSums not loaded.