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grover 1.1.3

  • Ensure that all vectors returned from functions used to list available information, such as grover::listFiles, are sorted client-side.

grover 1.1.2

  • Ensure that the run information tibble returned by grover::runInfo is ordered by .RAW file name.

grover 1.1.1

  • Ensure that grover::convertDirectory returns the file paths of the converted .mzML files for all the of the raw files in the specified directory.

grover 1.1.0

  • Added the exclude argument to grover::convertDirectory and grover::runInfo to exclude raw files matching the specified patterns.

  • grover::runInfo now collates the sample information client-side and so the time_out argument has been removed.

  • The grover::groverAPI log_dir and temp_dir argument directories are now created recursively if they do not already exist.

  • Improved the naming of the grover::groverAPI log files to include the current system date.

grover 1.0.9

  • The grover::groverAPI log_dir and temp_dir argument directories are now created if they do not already exist.

  • The grover::groverAPI temp_dir argument default is now tempdir().

  • grover::extant now returns TRUE if the specified API is accessible and FALSE if not.

  • The argument overwrite has now been added to grover::convertFile and grover::convertDirectory to enable the overwriting of local mzML files with the same file name as the raw files to be converted.

  • Removed the build_vignettes argument from the installation instructions in the package README as the package documetation is available online from

  • Removed the Introduction vignette as the majority of this information was duplicated in the package README.

grover 1.0.7

  • Added biocViews field to the DESCRIPTION to ensure the `rawrr Bioconductor dependency is installed automatically.

  • Fixed grover::converFile error when more than two options are supplied to the args parameter.

grover 1.0.6

grover 1.0.5

  • File conversion methods grover::converFile and grover::convertDirectory now return the file path of the converted file.

  • Zipping of converted files for reduced storage requirements can now be specified using the zip argument and is now the default of the conversion methods such as grover::converFile.

  • Added grover::version to query the version number of a grover API.

  • grover::groverAPI now ensures that the specified temp_dir is created if not already extant.

grover 1.0.4

grover 1.0.3

  • rawR dependency updated to rawrr with package name change.

  • Fixed typo grover::runInfo console message.

  • Request timeout limit can now be set for grover::runInfo.

  • Fixed grover::runInfo when attempting to retrieve file meta-information for a corrupt .raw file.

grover 1.0.2

grover 1.0.1

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.

  • Fixed conversion argument helpers to work correctly with msconverteR.

  • Converted files now returned correctly by the API.