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construction 0.4.2

  • Added the “No consensus” kingdom for occasions where a consensus above the specified threshold cannot be reached.

  • Ensure that the specified consensus threshold is correctly set when assessing library status.

construction 0.4.1

  • Increase the default consensus threshold to 66%.

construction 0.4.0

  • The construct() function no longer uses the threshold argument. This argument is now used with the consensus() method that calculates consensus calculations based on a provided adduct and threshold arguments.

  • The construction() method now supports parallel processing using the future package.

  • The search logic within the construction() method has been streamlined to improve performance.

  • The argument library_path in the method construction() now specifies the full path to the construction library.

  • Added the plotSankey() method to plot structural overviews

  • Added the structural_classifications example data set for the plotSankey() plot example.

construction 0.3.1

  • Remove throttling of ClassyFire database queries.

  • Added elapsed time to the progress bar.

construction 0.3.0

construction 0.2.10

  • Fixed error when 0 CIDs returned from Pubchem.

construction 0.2.9

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.

  • Added Remotes field to DESCRIPTION.

  • GitHub actions now used for continuous integration.