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Calculate chemical descriptors from SMILES.





a character vector of valid SMILES


A tibble containing the chemical descriptor information for the input SMILES.


#> # A tibble: 20 × 15
#>    SMILES    MF    Accur…¹  HBA1  HBA2   HBD    logP  TPSA Negat…² Posit…³   NHH
#>    <chr>     <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <int>   <int> <int>
#>  1 C[C@@H](… C3H7…    89.0     3     3     2  0.118   63.3       0       0     1
#>  2 C(C[C@@H… C6H1…   174.      6     6     5  0.553  125.        0       0     2
#>  3 C([C@@H]… C4H8…   132.      5     5     4  0.124  107.        0       0     1
#>  4 C([C@@H]… C4H7…   133.      5     5     3 -0.427  101.        0       0     1
#>  5 C([C@@H]… C3H7…   121.      4     4     3  0.0284 102.        0       0     1
#>  6 C(CC(=O)… C5H9…   147.      5     5     3 -0.0366 101.        0       0     1
#>  7 C(CC(=N)… C5H1…   146.      5     5     4  0.514  107.        0       0     1
#>  8 C(C(=O)O… C2H5…    75.0     3     3     2 -0.27    63.3       0       0     1
#>  9 C(c1cnc[… C6H9…   155.      4     4     3  0.0644  92         0       0     1
#> 10 CC[C@H](… C6H1…   131.      3     3     2  1.14    63.3       0       0     1
#> 11 CC(C)C[C… C6H1…   131.      3     3     2  1.14    63.3       0       0     1
#> 12 C(CCN)C[… C6H1…   146.      4     4     3  0.928   89.3       0       0     2
#> 13 CSCC[C@@… C5H1…   149.      4     4     2  0.852   88.6       0       0     1
#> 14 c1ccc(cc… C9H1…   165.      3     3     2  1.34    63.3       0       0     1
#> 15 C1C[C@@H… C5H9…   115.      3     3     2  0.152   49.3       0       0     0
#> 16 C([C@@H]… C3H7…   105.      4     4     3 -0.909   83.6       0       0     1
#> 17 C[C@H]([… C4H9…   119.      4     4     3 -0.521   83.6       0       0     1
#> 18 c1ccc2c(… C11H…   204.      3     3     3  1.82    79.1       0       0     1
#> 19 c1cc(ccc… C9H1…   181.      4     4     3  1.05    83.6       0       0     1
#> 20 CC(C)[C@… C5H1…   117.      3     3     2  0.755   63.3       0       0     1
#> # … with 4 more variables: OH <int>, COOH <int>, COO <int>, Total_Charge <int>,
#> #   and abbreviated variable names ¹​Accurate_Mass, ²​Negative_Charge,
#> #   ³​Positive_Charge